Thursday, May 7, 2020

        What do you think is Artificial Intelligence? I guess, you think that the intelligent robot is a Artificial Intelligence, because big budget technology movies or novels that make our imaginary point of view of Artificial Intelligence. But instead of this the Artificial Intelligence can work in many places.

        We will see what is Artificial Intelligence? AI or Artificial Intelligence is a intelligence develop by humans. This intelligence is almost like the Natural Intelligence like of Humans and Animals. The AI is also learns as the Humans, from various scenes and conditions.

        The Artificial Intelligence can execute the multiple task either can humans can do or human can't. The AI can do tasks as a very simple to a very complex operations.

This Year's AI (Artificial Intelligence) Breakthroughs

Applications of Artificial Intelligence:

        Artificial Intelligence can be applied to many sectors and industries. Due to increase in the use of the AI in the industry the Productivity, Efficiency and reduce the Wastage of Time and Resources.

1. Agriculture:

        In the Modern Agriculture the using of AI the gaining of yields increasing substantially. It will help in increasing in the Research and Development of the crops to increase productivity. The advancement in AI does including soil and crop monitoring, Agriculture robots and different analytics in the farm. Due to increase in the demand of the food the agriculture should also increase the greater gain of the crops in order to fulfill the demand.

2. Health Care:

        The Health Care uses complex algorithm and the software to interpreting the human health by analyzing the data. By using of AI in this field the best treatment can be provided to the end user. AI programs have been developed and applied to practices such as diagnosis processes, treatment protocol development, drug development, personalized medicine , and patient monitoring and care.

Watch this video for AI Explanation:

3. Human Resources and recruiting:

        The AI in the HR can be used for searching and checking the resume in order to rank candidates and hiring the professionals according to their level of qualifications. This can predict the candidate roll and success in the given roll for individuals. This can help industry in hiring best choice for the growth of the industry.

4. Power Electronics:

        Power electronics converters are an enabling technology for renewable energy, energy storage, electric vehicles and high-voltage direct current transmission systems within the electrical grid. These converters are prone to failures and such failures can cause downtime that may require costly maintenance or even have catastrophic consequences in mission critical applications.

5. Transportation:

        Today's world rapidly moving towards the automation in every field. Just like other automation the Driver less cars are introduced to us but in this Driver less car there is an AI which identifies the different scenes and the conditions on the road and it going to learn always from every moment. This learn things AI can execute when there is necessity.

        You may have now enough knowledge to define that what is Artificial Intelligence and what is the importance of the AI in many fields.


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