Tuesday, May 5, 2020

        Are you ever heard about IoT? Yes, mostly..., but you are not able to define what is IoT? then you are at right place! Here, you will get the all necessary information about the IoT. and you come to know that what are the some applications of the IoT.

        The one technology that is one of the most trending technology commonly called as the IoT..., IoT is simply abbreviated for Internet of Things. In general, the IoT is the internet network of Computing devices, Mechanical devices and the Digital devices. In this network the devices are connected to each other by the internet. These interlinked devices are able to transfer the data over the network. This transferred data can be used for further analysis.

        Refer the below IoT Architecture, In the IoT network the field element is a sensor that senses the physical quantity and then the signal modification is done by controller and then this data transmitted to the server through the Gateway. So whenever the client approaches for getting the information, the client gets the intended data by the server through internet. The user are also able to transmit the control signal to the field devices.

IoT Wireless Architecture

The IoT plays the important role in Automation. IoT makes it easy the operate and control appliances. 

        Here are the some Applications of IoT:

1.Smart Home: Due to use of smart home concept the devices in home can be turn ON or turn OFF automatically or by using IoT you can start or stop appliances using internet across the globe. Smart Home helps reduction in the wastage of the Electricity, wastage of time and human efforts.

2.Smart City: Smart city is nothing but the urban area where the sensors are deployed for sensing the parameters for analyzing the assets and resources located in the city. It helps the city in sustainable development. The advantage of using smart city is increasing in the cleanliness, efficient energy distribution, reducing in the crowd, reducing pollution, Etc.

3.Industrial Automation: Here the sensors placed in the industry which senses the parameters to that can show to Industry Authorities for monitoring of industry environment. for e.g. the fire burning in the the specific area of industry then the alert will send to the all responsible authorities and the fire brigade also.

4.Wearable Devices: Wearable devices are installed with the sensors which collects the data and information about the user. It provides the insights about user like Heart Bit, Blood Pressure for ensuring the fitness and Healthy lifestyle.

Watch video for introduction of IoT:

5.Smart Agriculture: The multiple sensors are placed in the farm to observe and locate assets. Due use of IoT in Agriculture the efficiency of farm raises as there will be efficient use of the resources like water, electricity, human efforts, Etc.

        From the above Application you may get familiar with the concept of IoT.


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